Preparing to sell?


things to do before your house hits the market...

     Leaving a place that holds so many memories can be a daunting and emotional transition. However, keeping things in perspective is paramount. Once the decision has been made to put your house on the market, try not to think of it as your home any longer, but instead as a product you are selling.  The most effective way to market any product is to ensure that it appeals to as many people as possible. Potential buyers will have different tastes and preferences but there are a few important steps you can take that will help them visualize themselves living in the space.

     Remedy all of the little things around the house that need repair.  We all have them: the bathroom sink that drains too slowly, the drawer that has to be opened just-so or the walls that need simple paint touch-ups.  Walk through your house and create a punch list of items that need attention. Consider allowing me to walk through your house to help spot issues you might have overlooked. If a project is outside your skill-set, hire a handyman to repair what you have learned to live with.  You may not even notice or be bothered by the little things anymore, but potential buyers certainly will. 

     Start the packing process.  Pack away nonessential items throughout your home including framed pictures, books, excess clothes and shoes, and unused items in your linen closet.  Remove unnecessary furniture and rearrange what you have to make each room have a distinct purpose and good flow.  Take the minimalist approach and leave all surfaces and counter tops free of knick-knacks and tchotchkes.  Taking these things out of your home will make the space feel larger and helps potential buyers envision themselves and their own belongings in your house.

     Clean your house from roof to foundation.   Consider power washing your home, driveway and sidewalk, and wash your windows inside and out.  Scrub everything from floor to ceiling and make sure to keep your house spic and span.  Many buyers will discount your house if they think that you have neglected something as simple and skill-free as cleaning it properly.  Once the house is clean, purchase a fresh doormat, keep your lawn and flower beds manicured, and place potted flowers by the front and back doors. Sometimes the smallest details will make the biggest impact with buyers!

     Following these steps will help to maximize your sales price and decrease the time your house is on the market.  It will make it as desirable to the greatest number of potential buyers.  Once your home is under contract you'll be glad you made proactive repairs, have a head start on packing, and you'll be pleased you kept such a clean house when it's time for keys to change hands.  Although you cannot control the comparable homes or demand in your area, these simple steps will help make your house stand-out among the crowd.